Cathares CastlesPeyrepertuse Castle


The Cathares lived in the South-West of France in the middle-age. They were christians, but their religion diverted from catholicism. A pope eventually lauched a crusade against them. An army led by Simon de Montfort began to fight them. Horrible slaughters occured. Beziers, for exemple, was taken by the crusaders, and every single inhabitant was killed. The cathares then retreated into castles in the French Pyrenneans. Several of them still exist, they top mountains and are very spectacular to visit. They're worth seeing from the sky as well. I recommend especially Peyrepertuse, one of the largest, and Montsegur, where the Cathare last stand occured, and where the last Cathares were murdered. Perpignan, Pamiers and Carcassonne are nearby airports.

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