Useful links to fly in France :


If you know a site worth being mentionned here, please be so kind as to let me know it. I'll try it and add it to my list. If, on the contrary, you think one of these links should be cancelled tell me why.


Aeronautical ressources:


This state-owned company is in charge of collecting and publishing all the aeronautical information in France. (AIP, charts such as VAC Atlas, 1/500000 and 1/1000000 aero charts.....) Their web page is available in English. You will find there the internet version of the VAC Atlas, and OLIVIA, a web server providing french notams and french TAFs & METARs. You can file your flight plan here.

Meteo France :

The French and state-owned company in charge of wheather forecasts. With an aeronautical webpage. (see Flight planning for more details.)

Nav 3000

You want to know which airfield you can use to go to your final destination, when the VFR night begins ? You want to convert units, use an online route planner, get notams, metars, information about more than 600 French airfields, have an easy way to see the official AIP airport chart? This site is available in english.

European airports

An other way to get information on several French airports is to browse this page. It provides links to airports or aeroclub homepages for airfields all over Europe, including France.

Flying in Europe

An other webpage with many useful sections and links towards several airport pages. Too many pictures to download, though, in my opinion, making it lengthy to use if you don't have an ADSL link to internet.

Sport Federations:

To rent an aircraft, if you want to know where you can find Flying clubs near your destination, and what kind of aircraft they have, their rates,etc... contact the relevant Federation. (I know that for the FNA, information given on the web page is provided by aeroclubs themselves, and is not always up to date.) See Find an ACFT for more details.


Others :

A web page to share your flights in Europe. (You can also advertise road trips). You can offer spare seats or find someone wanting to do the same trip as you. Aircraftpool as well as carpool. The site is designed with a specific form for pilots wanting to offer seats in their aircraft, with a list of airfields near the departure and arrival places chosen by the pilot.


A completely free gallery where you can show the air pictures you take when you fly. Pictures remain the sole property of their photographer and there is a feature to protect them against illegal copying.

Aeroclub d'Andaines

This aeroclub located in Normandy has a web page in English - written by an Englishman, one of its members - with information for foreign pilots. Have a look.


Flying is not everything. You have to sleep, eat and move from your destination airport to the place where you really want to go, maybe renting a car. This webpage is, in my opinion, the best in France to compute an itinary. Moreover you'll also find an online copy of the world famous hotels and restaurants guide : "le Guide Rouge Michelin", and an other one of the "guide vert", indicating what's worth visiting. English and other languages available.

Nice Azur

If you fly to the French Riviera you'll find lots of interestings tips, information and advices... as soon as it is translated in English.


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